You are welcome to share your prayer requests with the community here, write an anonymous prayer, share a prayer with church staff only, or pray for other prayers on this page. We are all a community, nobody prays alone. Please share your prayers and prayer requests here with us.

Community Prayer

Please partner with us and those who have submitted these prayers. We never pray alone.


I need clarity and wisdom from the Lord as I make an important decision regarding a commitment I’ve taken on. Please pray for God’s guidance and peace as I seek His will. If the right decision is to step away from this role, I ask for your prayers that I can do so smoothly, with grace and favor, and in a way that ensures a positive transition for the students and maintains good relationships. Thank you for your prayers and support.


Thanks to all of you for your prayers for my daughter in-law Marie. Her cancer treatment begins on January 10th. She has found out she also has a brain tumor that needs to be removed within the next 2 months. She knows she has come this far because of all the prayers and specifically those from the Prayer Warriors of this church. She is asking for your help again, and so am I. Thank you for holding her up to the Father for strength, courage, healing and peace. Judy McClellan


Good day Men of God, please pray to God to bless my life, calling and ministry. I really need God's anointing upon my life . pray for the outpouring of God Anointing upon my Spirit, and Body thanks from brother pirfa kumbin


I am asking my landlord to accept an offer to not raise my rent since I will be here 10 yrs in March. So I can have the finances for a major project I want to start and upgrade the apartment before I move out so he can get market value. Asking God to supply $50,000-$100,000. Thanking you and God in advance for this blessing 🙌


Good day my Spiritual Parents, please pray to God to bless my life, calling and ministry. I really need God's anointing to shepherd His people. pray to God to announce my calling and ministry. please also pray to God to bless me financially in doing his work. thanks from brother pirfa kumbin