21 Days of

Prayer & Fasting

January 26 - February 15

At Cross Road, we are conscious of our powerlessness to accomplish anything on our own. Our only hope for transformation, influence, positive impact, and life change begins and ends with our Lord.

Because of our complete dependence, we believe there is no better way to start 2025 than by making room in our lives for prayer. What a beautiful privilege to commune the Creator of the Universe with full assurance of His presence!

How marvelous to sit with the King of Kings and hear His voice! For the next 21 days you are invited to make room for God in your daily life. Use this guide to help read God’s Word, think through the passages, and focus on prayer. God promises that seeking Him is ALWAYS time well spent.

“You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13 CSB


When you fast, you deliberately replace food, social media, entertainment, or any other distraction with prayer and Bible study. You purposefully eliminate options to find satisfaction and enjoyment in God alone.

Fasting cuts out the noise of life and amplifies the voice of God. As we make room for His presence over the next 21 days, this discipline compliments prayer to prioritize time for holy reflection.


There are several kinds of fasts. Ask the Lord what you should do and for how long. There is no fast rule, this is a choice you make to come closer to God. Remember this is not a legalistic, rule enforced thing, but a desire on your part to clear out things that might come between you and a closer walk with the Lord.


There are two components to this guide: weekly prayer exercises and daily devotionals. The weekly exercises are activities meant to be done during the week at a time that makes sense for your schedule. The daily devotionals should be completed every day, incorporating prayer prompts, Bible reading, and small devotional writings. We encourage you not to rush through your daily readings. Sit, think, listen, and make room for the presence of God.

Full Guide PDF

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3